Howdy folks. I'm working on a project map and need some help with how to represent some elements of topography (elevation) as well as how to identify a feature within the map

Ok, so here's a small version of the map that I'm playing with:


The area that's shaded (below) is lower than the surrounding region. Low enough that there's a huge waterfall (but not stupidly huge) from the river over the cliffs into the region.

I'm having problems trying to show that A) either the surrounding region is higher in elevation than the shaded area or B) showing that the shaded area is somehow lower.

I thought about trying to use the grey 'cliffs' that wrap around the area and use elevation lines to suggest that they are cliffs but they just look wonky to me.

Any suggestion on this would be helpful.

Additionally, I'm trying to find a good way to represent on the map the falls (see below). I can't put the name 'The Great Falls' over the area because it blocks it out. Putting the name to the side is sort of odd because you have to look back to where the falls 'would' be. I thought about an arrow or a line or something but they just make the map look cluttered.

I even thought about putting some white 'clouds' where the falls are to help draw your eye to it but again - it just ends up looking cluttered.


