relatively recently i decided i was going to do a table top rpg (over the internet using combinations of several programs) with friends from across the world. my original intent was to use the Avon Arret map that i previously uploaded and basically let them run wild but considering this is the first game i will ever be GM/DM/ hosting i realized that it was too much for a world and even more so without a story.

That's where this set of three maps come's in, they detail "The Long Pass" a form of magical(or maybe not) wormhole/rift/passage way crossing the equator of its world. the pass received its name because while the patch of mountains it passes through is only about 50 miles thick the pass itself is closer to 10,000, why use this long and dangerous path? because it is the only land bridge between the north and south hemisphere but i hear you ask why not use the sea? because of lethal impossible to traverse storms and monsters from the depths

The Long Pass 3.jpg
The Long Pass 2.jpg
The Long Pass.jpg

the adventure shall begin at the bottom and will go through until they reach the top
(the handy attachment feature actually has made it look closer to how i imagined and also shows some glaring differences between the three, but i still think its good)

anyways thoughts and technically criticisms welcome.

good mapping guild mates.