Latest WIP:
Starfall V1.5.JPG

  • Added a desert in the southwest crook of the main mountain ranges
  • Added lightly forested areas (50% or less coverage; light green) and densely forested areas (more than 50% coverage; dark green) in the central to northern regions with a big span of taiga in the extreme north
  • Added light jungle and dense jungle (same scheme as forests, but with a purer green hue) on the subcontinent and southern islands
  • Added (by not adding any layers) steppes and scrublands east of the big desert

To Do Next
  • Finally sort out the bloody glacier issue
  • Start figuring out where different peoples live
  • Find/figure out how to make better symbols (I dislike the symbol sets I currently have to work with) - this will likely be a low priority until I absolutely have to start placing actual symbols