I made a post on NaNoWriMo offering maps of continents so that I could get in some practice. I figured if I was making a bunch anyway, I may as well offer to do them for someone. Everyone loved them, which made me want to keep making them and get better at it, so it was a nice boost to my self-esteem, too.

If I post the pictures wrong, please let me know! This is a new forum and I have no idea how to work most of the bits. I tried looking for help on posting pictures, but didn't find anything. Granted, I'm terrible at searching for things. And I can also make a new comment/post for each of these instead of having them all in one post.

map trial 1.jpg
This was the first one I did, following the tutorial to the letter to the best of my ability.

This one is the second map I did, and the first request, and it's where I veered off-tutorial with the water. So far it's my favorite map.

This is the third one, and I also really like it, but the second one, to me, is still far superior.

I've been having trouble with coasts, and with the mountains. Tear's tutorial is beautiful, and the elevation section is where I seem to fail. Tear's is more realistic and interesting, while mine ends up looking forced. I'm able to sort of correct it by the end, but I could really use some tips or something.