I have had the basic drawing for this map forever. I have always known that I wanted to make something out of it, but figured it would be too hard. Then I stumbled onto this website, after a few hours of wandering about the many wonderful maps I got to work.

The Realm of Shalhaidor is made up of three main continents: Aschaina, Kiena, and Arcovia. In ancient times the lands were inhabited by many species and races. However, with all the vast differences between the beings, misunderstandings and disputes soon broke out. The immortal beings from Aschaina were particularly dedicated to either enslaving or eradicating other species. Eventually, after many generations of battling, peace has been attained. There is still a great deal of prejudiced between the remaining species, as atrocities on all sides cannot be forgotten, but the realm is slowly healing from the ravages of war.


Eventually I plan to make a complete version that actually looks good. I've finished one part already.

The Isle of Delsia was discovered relatively recently when a trade fleet was blown off course by a storm. This cool and somewhat dry land was claimed by the country of Falkonia (part of Aschaina) and is known for it's export of fine gems, barley, and a particularly bitter ale.


I would love any sort of feedback. Particularly I would like advice on how to add more names without having to overlap, but having them large enough to be readable. Also, since I forgot the whole legend thing: towns ending in "Nies" are ports, towns ending in "Vik" deal mainly with lumber, towns starting with "Dj" are mining towns, Delsia is the only fortified town, and all the others are just basic towns that depend on their own agriculture.