A few summers ago my sister turned 18 and wanted a big pirate themed birthday party. We worked together on a crazy in-depth treasure hunt in a park we could get a reservation at. This map stylized the park as an island with the pirate ship on the lower left side of the park representing the shelter we were housed under. Sadly, most of the wonder of the map came from the overlays and riddles scattered around the physical park... they made the party quite a bit of fun!

I hand drew the borders based on actual geography of the park, then added all of the trees, pathways, and styling within photoshop. A lot of the awesome artwork was pulled off of DeviantArt, so I wouldn't be surprised if you recognize some of it. I printed it at about 40in wide (big enough to be really big), but sadly it ended up printing a lot darker than I'd hoped.

So, any critiques would be awesome! I pulled a lot of shortcuts on this one because I was in a time crunch, but overall I'd love to know what you think I could do better on.


(Also, how can I make an Album for my maps? It says my access is restricted. Do I need a certain number of posts first?)