Quote Originally Posted by Neyjour View Post
Yes, I understand what you mean! Thanks for the suggestion!

Here's a version with orangy/yellow highlights. I can't seem to get the results I want (and I'll probably fiddle with it some more) but hopefully this is a bit of an improvement. Of course, adding highlights bumped the brightness back up again. And I also darkened the terrain a bit more, which bumps the contrast up as well, but I think I like this dark/bright version. Gives it more of a dangerous, uninviting atmosphere, IMO.

I'm still not sure if the lava (and that zone in general) is a bit too overpowering compared to everything else. It seems to draw my eye away from the rest of the map...although, maybe that's not exactly a bad thing. Ugh! I dunno. Some opinions on that would be much appreciated!
Maybe make the lava a bit more subtle? Real lava doesn't pool as orange everywhere, there's always a black crust on top.
