I'm designing a city that might put Ptolus to shame or make it bask in it's magnificence. Only problem is, I can not really do maps and I need some help in doing a good looking map.

I have photoshop, and I have Illustrator and Indesign along with Dreamweaver, being a graphic artist. I'm looking for a particular tutorial on how to do a map with these programs, preferably a step by step.

I wanted to illustrate the city, but I don't know where to begin, again. The city is bisected by a river, and is predominately Hellenic/Ancient Greek. The world it's built in is based on the Conquests of Alexander the Great. I was searching for Hellenistic architecture I can use, pictures, 3D models, anything, and I can't find any good reference points. Let alone one to do a photomanipulation.

So if someone can help me out, I'd be grateful if someone could help me rediscover a lost talent.
