I have been working on a role-playing game set in the Pleiades Star Cluster, and have been struggling with producing maps for the setting. I've not done a large amount of cartography in the past, and what little I have done has been for campaigns taking place on a single continent or at the most 2. Mapping a star system or cluster is not something I know how to do, and any tips, help, or input would be much appreciated.

What I would like is a star map that feels more like an old-school nautical map, with the radial lines and stuff. I believe it is called a Portolan Chart.

What I have so far is really inaccurate and frankly looks like a horse's butt, but like I said, I've no idea what I am doing
Pleiades Star Map.png
Like I said, pretty pitiful.
If anyone could help me out, I would very much like to appreciate it.