Well, this may be something new for the forum (though I don't know, I'm a noob).

I've been loving this place since I signed up last week, and I produced my first map thanks to the wonderful Saderan tutorial. (Link is to my effort).

I was really following that one step by step, so I was trying to come up with a project that would test what I'd learned in a way that offered new problems. I decided to combine my love of mapping with my love of golf. (Way back when I was designing golf courses with Tiger Woods Golf from EA sports that, at least back then, came with a Course Architect program.) This was just on a lark; I'm mainly learning these skills to apply to D&D.

Here's what I came up with:


Overall, I'm pretty happy with it (but it's a WIP at this point). I like the way the bushes came out. Not sure if the water is quite what I want, but it has some nice features to it. I want to do more work with the elevations of the rough and I'm not sure the color of the fairway edging is quite right. It might be fun to add some dirt or dirty grass around the bushes, and maybe give the bunkers a bit more depth.

Any suggestions welcome. I know this is an odd topic for the forum, and maybe just a one-off for me, but the point is to learn some techniques.

Thanks for any interest.