So, a few weeks ago I began running a D&D campaign for me and my friends, and at some point I decided I needed a world map. At the time, I
had a basic idea of what I wanted and whipped something up in a few hours with some basic PS skills and some inspiration from various sources.
NomaiForum.jpg Valley.jpg
Sure, it was serving its purpose but it looked insanely bland and uninspiring, hardly fitting for the tale that was supposed to take part in it.

So, in an attempt to find something that would help me make it look just a little better I stumbled in here, and found an incredible wealth of
knowledge and an amazing community. People whom enjoy making maps and having everything look just right. One week, a half dozen tutorials,
and a few test squares later, I took that tired sketch and turned it into this.

Full Map is 10,010x10,010 pix and 300ppi. Would upload that, but it's huge.

Mostly I worked on the left half, because that's where the party is exploring right now. But I'm always looking for feedback on how to improve the world.
I just wanted to thank the community for helping me take my map, my battle boards, and my game to a whole 'nother level. With this being the first step.
I'll be throwing out periodic updates as world development continues.