Okay time for another update!

### Latest WIP ###

Current continents
6000px x 3000px so you can see some more detail if you want

Antimeridian Islands
These still aren't exactly right, but they're a bit better. I'll have to shift the map around to work on them properly since at the moment they're right on the edge.

Meridian Islands
Almost completely removed the islands here, and tidied up the coastline a bit. The bay of islands 60° N (just above the centre of this image) are the centre of the first civilisation I've developed for the world, so it's most important that this area looks good

North Pole
Tidied up the coast a bit.

South Pole
Removed these islands completely, then altered the shape of the small continent. Still not happy with it.

I've also sketched in the climates over the top of the map. I'l try to fix the southern continent and antimeridian islands, then tidy up the climate map and post it a bit later on