I'm starting to be one of those with lots of unfinished WIP threads, haha… This one shouldn't be too hard to complete though, it's small and simple Here is a style test I did a couple of days ago, and this will be a follow-up, more thought through and incorporating the feedback from that thread.

So what I'm trying to do is something more realistic than my usual fantasy maps. Something that could have been drawn by the inhabitants of a roughly medieval world, and give a feeling of a realistic, dark, gritty, no-elves fantasy world that everyone's digging now. I also want it to look decent in black-and-white as well as color, ideally with no difference between them except for the addition of color. I'm stuck on the mountains. Can't decide how to shade them, or if I should shade them at all. I've looked at old maps online, and I haven't found a single pre-renaissance mountain style that I liked… Maybe I'm just obsessing over details, it's not like I'm doing a faithful reproduction of a historical map and it doesn't really matter if the mountains are a hundred years newer than I planned… Or does it? I can't decide! Should I use the same look for the mountains as in the test? Maybe it looks ok without shading at all? Help me, Obi-Guild Cartobi, you're my only hope!