Taking the experiences I had with my last WIP I started working on the whole map for that region. Gigantomaniac I am, this document is already pretty huge, covering an area about the size of Ireland. If I'm ever going to make a world map, I can only hope that computer technology will have evolved to a level that matches my insanity by then.

I pasted the original basemap of the Six Scorchwise Fiefdoms into it. As expected, there are some visible differences in regards to the colours, but I hope to be able to blend it in. As of now the edges of the original document are still quite visible.


Right now I'm working on the general geography with mountains, hills and plains. I am already getting sucked in to making it quite detailed, but you know, if that's where it's taking me, I'm fine with it although I wanted to do a simpler map originally.

Rock on,