Something very similar to this mountains-to-brushes process was going to be Fun With Wilbur Volume 7. It looks like my year (or more) worth of piddling around in getting actions implemented let you beat me to it. My goal was to be able to mass-produce the suckers using any of the shader settings under control of an automation system, but I ran afoul of nasty infrastructure things and it's sort of stalled.

It's possible to get a similar effect directly in Wilbur even today (except for the antialiasing on the 3D, of course). The critical part is the lighting (Texture>>Shader Setup for the Wilbur shader). Under Altitude, make the land color list and sea color list each contain just one color: white. Then set the elevation angle in intensity to 70 degrees and the ambient . The result should look as shown below.


The base terrain is just a raw Filter>>Calculate Height Field with the Math Function "1000*sqr((ridged(x+0.4,y+0.3,1)*exp(-r*r*4)-0.15))", sphere center -2,-2,-2 and radii 4,4,4. Just tweak that +0.4 and +0.3 to move the mountains around and you have lots of quick-generated items. Things look better with erosion, of course...