Some of you may remember back when i put together my distressed paper textures. there were a few of us experimenting with all sorts of techniques, including coffee, tea, lemon juice, heat sources, and in a few cases, actual blood.

Well, I remember at the time I had saved some blood from the family sized raw hamburger pack and had played around with it. I remember this now because i finally found the results of that experiment For my new job (still working from home, like the last one, yay me!) we will be using the scanner for signed documents etc, so i dusted mine off and loaded it up. still having issues with the scanner drivers (i don't know that I'll be able to get it past 300 dpi since apparently lexmark doesn't make or support the scanner software anymore for a model this old.. then again I've only been looking for ten mins). Anyhow back on topic.. I found several of my paper experiments stored on the scanner bed itself.

And the winner - as below. I can't help myself, i'm going to work on this and turn it into something interesting.. hopefully it gets me back in the mindset so i can work on the one i'm SUPPOSED to be working on

(of course, with a new job, an adoption in the works, and rebuilding one of the rooms in the house followed by building a whole new room in the basement this might be tough. but i've had enough of not being artsy. MUST CREATE.)
