I am getting to the geography section in my campaign setting and its time to address the major cities on the map. This is my first attempt for one of the largest cities on the continent. This is a snippet of the general description:

The Free City is the oldest of human cities. Founded by rarely remembered overlords, the Free City and the territories it claims, run as an absolute state. A council of ruling wizards control the Free Realm as if pretending their free citizens were just that. The charade is carefully calculated and tactically managed to keep the state running smoothly. With the guiding hands of an underground guild of thieves (that are more than they appear), the Free City maintains status quo.... The aristocrats of the Free City are extremely xenophobic and isolationist. They distrust the natural world almost as much as they distrust foreigners, but recognize the need for healthy trade. As such, the Free City is a center for commerce and news in the north.

So the city is fairly large, I was thinking Paris in the middle ages, before the Bubonic Plague. The southern section of the city is dense and poor, the west is bordered by the King's River, the east is for guild members, merchants, and the well to do, and the north is a long sectioned off part of the city that is forbidden to enter. It's a giant section of the city that seems to have fallen into a sink hole. The center of the city is where the imposing Free City Library is the center of politics and learning.

So, any thoughts, general impressions? I think one of the fortifications on the wall shouldn't be there, and the wall along the river is at least two lengths long. But otherwise, my thoughts on changes are more in redrawing it with grid paper to make the lines look nice and straight. The section on the bottom was me trying my hand at a ground perspective, but I'm not happy with it, so I didn't ink over it. Anyway, I'm chatting to much, here it is:

Free City.pdf