Hey guys, so decided to enter this challenge, since the theme is awesome!
Lately I´ve been reading a lot of Bernard Cornwell, The Saxon Stories, a series of book with espetacular stories of the nordic culture and life. After reading many of Uthred tales, and how his life is motivated by the idea that when he dies he´ll live at Valhala.

After some days thinking, I started developing my personal version of a Nordic Hel, with some similar ideas, but with a different concept. When a person dies he is marked by the gods, as being Verodr (Worthy) or Óverodr (Unworthy).

The morality of Jagradr is based on the concept of value, if a person pays sacrifices to the gods, worship the earth, help their neighbors, respects his lord and is brave in combat, it proved its worth and is accepted in Fitangan, The Land of Joy. He will enjoy an eternity of rest, music, joy, no diseases or evil. Those who died in battle or combat are invited to live in Gullbord, the Golden Castle, where the thrill of battle will be present every day, all through eternity.

If a person has acted shamefully towards others or with malice in their actions, they are considered Óverodr, people whose values ​​are low and do not deserve respect. Cowards, thieves, betrayers, infidels, lazy, unfaithful, are some examples of Óverodr, and so they shall spend the eternity in Fitedra, regretting his actions until the end of time. Each will be judged the way you came to Fitedra, being the journey taken by the sword, fire, drowning, or disease, everyone will suffer equally, no more or less than others.

### Latest WIP ###