Quote Originally Posted by Uncleblob View Post

I am having a few problems with this too, I'll try and detail what's happening below. Before I start I have to say I can see what you are doing it's just clarification on some points I need as it doesn't seem to work as straightforward as the tutorial would seem. Also, I'm patched up to the latest version.

1. When you say draw the borders AWAY from features I don't know what you mean. I am trying to draw a border along a small test area of a map and doing so along a stretch of coast, into the interior and back to the start point, a roughly rectangular shape.
For this i mean, just click on the open landmass, away from any of the coasts, rivers, etc, so that you don't accidentally select on of them.

2. Trace feature; how? I click on a promontory of the coast to begin the border (having clicked border, default) then hit T to begin the trace. Do I re-click the same point as point to begin the trace, or the next point along, and so on, back to the start point to close the border? Do I ultimately right click to close the border? It keeps on throwing up random lines or selecting the entire coast and I don't know what I am doing wrong?
When you click the T for trace, the window at the bottom will ask you to select a point where you wish to trace. Click the cross hairs on the river, lake edge, coast, you should notice as you move the pointer, a gray line is now following along that other item (shore, river, other border, etc). The window at the bottom now asks for ending point location. Here you would simply move the cursor to the rough spot on the map you wish your border to stop following the feature, click the button, and you are back to free drawing the border.

3. Path to Poly - I need more info on this. I have followed these steps and it immediately seems to select the entire border as an entity...and then all I can do is "Do it"...but it doesn't seem to do anything. The resulting map is NOTHING like the tutorial map. I get the border apparently selected and not filled in or anything like it.
No and I know why. The border feature you are using places a thick line. The remedy is actually very simple. After doing the Path to Poly, select the CHANGE PROPERTIES button, and change the following:

COLOR - [Change to whatever color you would like this border to be.


LINE WIDTH - 0.000

And that one is the biggie. If the line is any other width other than 0, you would have an outline other than a solid polygon.

This is as far as I can go so far.

Advice and help required!

Thank you in advance!

Hopefully those answer should get you where you are looking to go.