Hello, I'm currently a DM for a homebrewed version of the Pathfinder Kingmaker module. It's a good module and I had fun playing with friends, but a few months ago my old DM was no longer able to run the campaign so I decided to take a crack at it. It has room for expansion and being as creative as I am, I decided to just hijack the entire setting and take it completely off the rails and add more spice to the recipe. What does this mean for the world map? Well for starters it has to be redone.

I had originally remade the entire first area of the first book;
Kingmaker Small.jpg

Then I decided to fit this into a bigger world picture, and fit the entire setting into a home-brew campaign I've been running for a few years.

I'm currently redoing the entire region map, bigger and badder than before, but I've run into a small snag.

- My treelines are a constant pain in the butt to make and I need a better solution/brush.

I currently use Photoshop CS5, so I was wondering if anybody could point me in the direction of a brush or tutorial that would help out, I'd appreciate it. Right now I'm just drawing a ton of vertical lines for the treeline and it's going to absolutely murder my hand by the time I'm done with the region map.

Kingmaker Big.jpg