I hadn't done an underground/ dungeon map for a really long time but I always used to love drawing them. So after doing the Ruins map just a few weeks ago I decided to draw this one. I am still thinking about this one - I had originally wanted to combine it with a front on drawing of the cairn from the outside and a few views of the inside of the tomb and surround it with an appropriate border but.... time and all.

This is the tomb of Hurath the Bold, who died defending Cormegof from the ravaging invaders from the Sienpag empire to the east. Laid to rest along side him are his six most loyal friends and allies. To the top right is the small pool where the heroes bodies were washed and prepared for burial.

And here are some map elements that I was working on. I thought I would try to build up a bit of a library on the premise that it would speed things up. I haven't tried them out yet. I have a feeling it won't work as planned. I tend to work off of drawings and sketches so map elements may not be my thing. But I thought I'd post them anyways. Enjoy.
Map Elements 01a_LO.jpg Map Elements 01b_LO.jpg Map Elements 02_LO.jpg