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Thread: WIP- unnamed fantasy world

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  1. #11


    Ok Pixie I took a look at your maps and after studying them a bit these are the things I noticed. One you push the polar fronts much further south/north than I did. With the mountain rainfall it looks like you included the entire mountain range and let it taper off the further from the coast it became. Looking back I can see this make much more sense than what I had done. However in some areas I noticed that you let the winds push over mountain ranges or you placed the pressure centers east more than I did. For instance in January northern hemisphere left continent on the southern portion of the north east peninsula you have it as offshore winds. I have it as onshore winds, mostly I figure the mountains to the west would block the southern winds. The one other thing I noticed that with the screen effect also on the base layer some spots that were subject to the polar front or other influences would get cut out because on the base rain layer I have them listed as dry. On yours I noticed it looks like you did something different with the base rain layer or you went back and included them to a limited extent

    Looking at the temp maps I think differences are occurring due to different guesses about elevation and different rain maps.

    I think one of the things that shaped the differences we are seeing is different interpretations of atmospheric maps and the dominant winds. That being said the one thing I found difficult was determining the dry continental interiors and where they should extend to. That seems to be the biggest challenge is to figure out to what extent each variable affects things. For instance I tried to have the north easterlies and south westerlies affect rain patterns to a greater extent than the other directions.

    I forgot to post this earlier but I did an updated version of the rain and temp maps and they are below. I did these before you posted your version.

    Rain january 1.4.jpg
    Temp January 1.4.jpg

    Rains July 1.4.jpg
    Temp july 1.4.jpg

    Edit: Note I forgot the polar front in the southern hemisphere in the January rain map
    Edit: Also thanks for putting in the time to do this Pixie, it's helping me see things I didn't think about before and also that I might need to adjust the extent to which variables affect things.
    Last edited by ascanius; 07-30-2014 at 08:53 AM.

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