Okay, so... If past actions didn't make you think I was insane, this will probably do it.

Been thinking about ways to go about it since the challenge began and have only just started scratching things down. It's unlikely to get finished on time - five days left and all - but I'm going to try my best. It'll certainly be a challenge.

You might recognize the layout; I'm basing it almost entirely on this map: Magna Carta Mundi 1670 (Nicolaus Ioannis Vischerius). For various reasons, but also because my ideas just happened to fall into place when I saw it. I know it's toeing the line to some degree, starting with something instead of nothing. It will all be hand drawn in the end but, if this is out of bounds concerning entry rules then please feel free to kick me out of the running. I won't mind... and I'll just take a little longer to do it on my own.

Here's a picture of where it's at right now. Just a small sketch of what's going where. The working doc will be digital, 20x30 inches, and 300ppi.
### LATEST WIP ###
gray world layout sketch.jpg