The Shattered Continent - Project in Progress by Corilliant

Description: Set in the northern hemisphere of this world, the great nation of Ryweth and her neighbours stand against the increasingly powerful Arean Confederacy, which now holds over half of the world's land. Already much of Trionne has fallen to the warring nation, and only South Ryweth's spectacular naval strength prevents the Great North from being overwhelmed by Arean's military.
This is only a rough idea of what I want my eventual map of this long landmass to look like. Forgive the crappy colouring, it's for nation referencing. Likewise, the city names are not fixed, but the coasts and the political statuses are. I'll also end up digitising the entire map, but I'll need lots and lots of help, not only to learn from the tutorials but from you guys too. Or maybe I might just keep it black and white...(no pun intended).

