So I've been slowly building this world for I don't know how many years, but it's always been in a fairly abstract way (kingdoms, conflicts, history, etc...), but the overall land development was rarely fleshed out. There's some basics I know I want/need to have, but one area that I never had anything sorted out was rivers, so I can already hear the screams of outrage when I post a version with rivers telling me that I'm breaking the fundamental laws of nature because of where my rivers are...I promise...I'll fix those as the errors are pointed out.

As a side note, I don't intend for any of the rivers in the south to make it into the final build of this map, as most of them have almost entirely dried up from an extended drought, which is one of the primary problems in the south.

Anyway, I don't want to start rambling about the history and what not, because if I do, I'll be here all day, and people will start throwing things at me.

So this is my starting point, it was 6 pieces of 8.5x11 grid paper, hand drawn, scanned, grid lines removed, and cleaned up so it was basic lines on a white background.
The image has been reduced in size because I have no idea how large of an attachment I'm allowed to post.
