I know this isn't a writing community, but I can infer that most of the maps here are inspired and/or designed for fantasy worlds. And seeing as how the science fiction writing group I'm part of doesn't seem too interested in fantasy stories, I thought I would try bringing it to a more appreciative audience who immerses themselves in that kind of universe. This is a fantasy epic I've been working on for a long time, and it's the story I want to create a map for. It's the reason I've come to this community. I'm not asking anyone to make it. I want to tackle that challenge myself, no matter how bad the finished work comes out haha.

The concept itself for this story is close to ten years old, but only until about a year or so ago, did I decide to involve myself in the development of its plot; and only a few months ago did I get heavily involved in the deeper development. Many of the details are indeed subject to change as I continue to work on the planning and outlining of the story, but a lot of the ground work has been completed so far. Anyway, I'll stop my ranting and leave you to the preface. Thank you very much for your time and patience in reading it and any and all feedback all of you provide me. I appreciate it greatly and hope you enjoy.

A Preface to "The Blood of Aezathra"

On a security note, this preface was written on 9/11/14.


A little sword design of mine inspired by this world's story, and designed on AutoCAD 2012.