Gonna be running a last minute Halloween game this year - and decided to do "Dale of the Dead" from Dungeon Crawl Classics #48. Its a pretty good short hack/slash adventure where the PCs enter a village that is under control of a bard who has a magical fiddle that forces people to keep doing what they were doing until the fiddling stops....so everyone in the village is dead, but died dancing, cutting vegetables, playing cards, etc. and as soon as the PCs interrupt them in their task or the fiddle, they get attacked. Oh...and the magic effect of the fiddle dictates that they can't be turned.

Anyways...with only a few days to prepare, I'm making some super quick maps for it..and figured i'd share (in case anyone else is looking for a last minute Halloween adventure also). Here is a cottage that i'll be using for 2 of the encounters and the village map itself. The dirt area in the middle is where one of the undead keeps playing the fiddle while the bard busys himself in the graveyard behind the church.

Area 1-5 and 8 (Hovel and Cottage).jpg

Fendale Village - small.jpg