Hi all,

Just discovered the site and I am impressed with the work and passion you all put into it.

We are a small miniatures company that has several projects in the works that we will need highly realistic, professional, almost photographic, game mats for tabletop miniature wargames. While this probably won't include a ton of making maps to a specific layout, it is all about creating very cool looking illustrations that will be inviting to the gamers. We will need to work in several scales, and with various themes. Our first need is a sci-fi theme for the game a game like Battletech, CAV, or Mechwarrior. Early next year we will launch a Kickstarter project that while the project is largely based on buildings and terrain elements for 15mm futuristic, big stompy robots, we want to create a very cool game mat to go with it. The project immediately after that will be for the futuristic game Infinity at about 28mm scale. All of these would be from a satellite or recon plane point of view, i.e. aerial. While I realize this isn't a ton of detailed information at this point, we look forward to working with artists than can help us refine the vision we have. By trade I am a printer and have created some really cool stuff for games and can print on everything from paper, to vinyl, to boards, to neoprene, hell I can print on mirrors and doors if I want to. Got all of that down, what I need is help with art, just don't have the free time to work on all of that as well.

We get that this is going to cost $$$, and that is just fine. We're always willing to pay for quality work, and all of this is always easier said than done. If you are interested and this is in your wheelhouse, get in touch. I would expect a bit of back and forth and negotiation before we come to a final design concept and price, then you can go nuts. We'd like to get this first mat accomplished within the next 6-8 weeks. I am looking to develop relationships with several solid map/ texture artists because with luck, and a modicum of success, and the fact we have many projects in the pipeline, there is a lot of work to be had. Every mat we do for a specific game or purpose will probably be expanded with several variations as well.

This is my first post and by the forum rules you will be unable to PM me until I do some more posting, so email me at torin(at)hangar-18.net.

And thanks to the sticky post in this forum I will copy this in as a beginning of an understanding:

* I will have the right to use the image for commercial purposes, the artist will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio but not to exploit it for commercial gain.

Glad I found your community! I've been exploring and have seen some really cool stuff. Let's see what we can do to add to it.
