This is my work that I said in the help thread. I managed to get Adobe Illustrator (don't ask me how), as even though I like open source software, Inkscape is still not ready to do this kind work.

Here is the map of Arcádia, a contemporary city that grew unorganized under a quite oppressive government. There are poor and rich people living side by side (as is common in Brazilian biggest cities). The dashed lines are the limits of the neighborhoods or burghs and probably won't be shown in the final version.

Arcádia Vilas.jpg

I'll use the colors from Google Maps so it has a familiar look. I also want to use some GIS software to make it available as an online navigable map (probably using OpenStreetMap stack).

This will progress a little slowly as it's not my work alone. I'm in a group of writers that are building it so we can write stories about the city and its inhabitants. It'll be in Portuguese, as it's our native language. So now I'm pressing them to decide stuff as the green areas (it's said that there is a park much like Central Park in Manhattan, but I still don't know where to put it). Still, any help, tips and suggestions will be appreciated.