So, this is my campaign world of Astyria's largest single continent. It's a map I made for a D&D world, but is mostly a composite of my favorite maps from other games and campaign worlds, or real world locations. In a sense its a loving fangasm for other things as well. Borrowing coastlines from a lot of different maps I've seen. Lordaeron, Hoenn, Johto, Kanto, Hyrule from the second Zelda, ect ect a lot of favorite maps went into this.

My questions are....
  1. I need advice on labeling. The two regions most finished and labeled are Almastyra and Maeb. Highlighted in the subdued brown in the North West. I'm wondering if the sub-labels under Maeb are excessive and add too much clutter OR if they are fine as they are.
  2. Also about the Highlighting of regions. Ideally this repreasents just generally named regions/domains/areas of common culture and geography. Not necessarily actual countries. So more like a Forgotten Realms map. I'm debating if each region should have a slightly different tone/hue and or only tough slightly different hue/tones?
  3. Some areas are more populated than others, Some are simply open wilderness with nothing. Should they be given a duller hue? Or some way to differentiate areas with people from areas with almost none?

Other comments, input and suggestions are welcome infinitely.