Hey everyone. I wasn't going to make a work in progress thread for this map as I wanted it to be a completely new to everyone when I finished it, but it's going to be awhile before it's done so I might as well share my progress.

I finished the Ulthui V3 map and people seemed to like my mountains. I find making them pretty fun and relaxing so I went to do some more, originally thinking about doing a full map for a country in Ulthui.
However, I didn't really feel like it, so I took the mountains I had just drawn and decided to make a map that would be filled with them. The idea then evolved into something much more interesting and challenging. I feel like working under the constraint of traditional maps lessened some of my creativity and style so I said screw it and decided to toss out all logic and do a map in a style I've never tried before. I then realised that this map was going to be a titanic job.

Simply put, VA'DUM is the first 'world' created by chaotic Old God's. I've been toying with the idea that the world could be their playground of creation.

Progress 1 (I took my spiral mountains and drew in the rest of the map, finally deciding to do it in an isometric style:

Progress 2: (I got painting!)

Progress 3: (Drawing out more of the map)

Progress 4: (Painting in higher detail)

Progress 5: (Starting to paint in the rest of the map. I didn't fully realise how big a job this will be. The rivers and perhaps their colour is just temporary at the moment)