I've decided to get in on the action, too. Seems like fun and a good chance to do something underground for a change

There is a formation common in limestone called a "dome-pit". It forms from water seeping in through a hole at the surface and dissolving away the limestone into a very deep vertical column. The name comes because if you are at the bottom looking up, it's a big dome, and if you are at the top looking down, it's a big pit. Dome-pits frequently have old stream passages that run through the limestone and end falling into the pit, so there are often several cave passages that intersect the dome-pit at varying levels.

These shafts can be too small to enter up to hundreds of feet in diameter. Here are some pictures of real dome-pits:

My One Page Dungeon is set in a limestone dome-pit in which the side caves have been converted to various uses, including a long-lost temple complex called "Karsthaven, The Hidden Temple of Vrena".

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