Another map for a someday-to-be-release Last Torch adventure called Golem in the Sand. A rather ill-starred archaeologist and treasure hunter is attempting to assemble a golem to smash open the doors of an ancient vault. What could possibly go wrong?

This map has been pretty slow to progress. I'm doing a lot of the work in Photoshop (as opposed to my usual Illustrator), and using it in a way I haven't before. However I figured before I went too much further I'd put it up here and keep posting away as I get more things done.

A couple quick explanations, since a lot of this is just blocked in right now. The only area that is actually more or less done is the platform itself, and even there the pillar bases aren't complete and neither are the bits of rubble. Everything in the sand area is unfinished and has loads of work still to come. The dark brown areas near the ruined walls are intended to be stone slab floors, partially buried under the sand.

