Quote Originally Posted by Hai-Etlik View Post
Both examples have links to the relevant javascript and you can view the page source. In both cases all that's really important are the script elements pulling in the java script and a div element with an id of map placed where you want the map. The first example you gave then just uses a single ordinary image.

For something with vector polygons in a GeoJSON file being displayed with highlight on hover take a look at this one: http://openlayers.org/en/v3.4.0/exam...r.html?q=hover
Sorry about triple posting but I feel like since it's posted so much later it needs a separate post rather than just an edit. Otherwise, that map you just sent is like perfect, is it possible to add links to each country, or a popup that lets you click on a link. Also, can it be done in two layers. One layer would be zommed out and show you the countries and when zoomed in it would show the provinces and states?

the map I want to use (kwandrivia.net/forum) has countries with regions and cities in them, I would want it to be interactive with places taking you to that area on the forum.