Hey everyone,

Several months ago I tried my hand at creating my first fantasy map, here:


I've recently gotten back into it, and I've made an attempt at updating the original style, here:


My goal here is to create a style that's unique and personal but still appealing to people who aren't me. I really like the idea of a "biome" map where the changes in biomes are easily distinguishable. I'm especially curious about how people feel about the mountains, do you think they need more variation? In a similar vein, do you feel the map symbols are too basic? They were intended to be that way but I'm interested to see how people feel about them.

This particular map doesn't have any real icy or snowy areas but I have a separate map where I've been experimenting with that.

Any feedback you could provide about what you like, don't like, things that you liked more in the older version, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
I realize not all the geography and biome placement makes the most sense, but for the updated map I tried to stick to the layout of the original for comparison's sake. I'll most likely change some of the biomes around when I feel that I've nailed down the style.

This is my first post, so I apologize if I overlooked some posting rules or etiquette.