Quote Originally Posted by chick View Post
Sounds like a bad day I like the look of your map, especially the border really does it justice! Are you going to expand the map of the sectors, because otherwise it looks like a lot of open empty space.
Thank you Chick. I'm glad you like the map! I was thinking of adding more sectors but am not sure whether it might be to "busy" on the starfield, taking attention away from the important sectors. Maybe i could fade them with the hexgrid.

Updated Map:

- I moved the Sector-Map a bit more to the center, so it looks less "squeezed" to the maps on the right.

- I added some log-entries from Prof. Bohrenheimer for some lore. It also fills some of the open empty space on the map

- I added a logo in the bottom-left corner. Bohrenheimer was not too happy that he had to accept fundings from the IASA, a somewhat dubious organization full of "hobby archaeologists", conspiracy nuts and other "gescheiterte Existenzen" , to get his mission started....The contract says that their logo has to appear on all official documents of the mission. The fact that now Bohrenheimer gets constantly reminded of his "pseudo-scientific" sponsors, isn't exactly lifting his mood...
