I am happy to pay for these. I don't have a lot to spend, but I respect artists, being one myself (photographer). I need realistic charges. You tell me what the cost would be for the job. Since it is potentially for several maps (see below), but a bulk rate can be negotiated. I can pay via PayPal or Check, depending upon what works for both of us. Let's discuss the rates via Private Message.

I need customized maps of a variety of African countries (ie Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa and more). I would likely only start with a commission of one country (Kenya), and provided it ends up well, I would want to get the others done. 10-15 in total. I'm looking for ones that are relatively simple, but look GREAT. They should feature National Parks, Conservancies, Lakes, Rivers and several cities/towns (no roads). If possible, I want some of various different elements to be split into layers, so I can hide town names or parks or something (negotiable if problematic or costly).

Here i a link to a map I love that is basically in the style I like and also features most of the locations and features I want.

Quality & Size
These should be semi professional looking - see the Style to see what I mean. I would need them to be High Res enough for printing (8.5 x 11-ish). Vector graphics please.

Time Constraints
I don't know how long a job this is, but I could use the first few as soon as possible. Let's discuss what is realistic.

I would need full copyright on these. I would be happy to credit you and your work, but once we own them, they are our to do with what we will (modify content as necessary). Again, some of this could be negotiable.

Contact Details
I just registered (despite trolling for a while), so I don't think you can DM me. So, please send to me at nevernude815 --=At=-- gmail --D0T-- com