Hopefully I'll get this going and done for this challenge. I'm thinking of doing a sequence of maps that show the Halifax Explosion that occurred in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1917.

A french cargo ship loaded with wartime explosives collides with a steamship in the NARROWS in the harbor. The explosion is the largest blast prior to Nuclear Warheads and equals 2.9 kilotons of TNT, it wipes out large part of the city, and it's pressure wave snaps trees, bends road roads and demolishes building, while the cargo that has exploded rains down soot and covers everything, but there's more -- it also causes a tsunami that then wipes out part of the city across the harbor.

Map One the collision with towns standing, fire ball and initial smoke
Map Two - Halifax wiped out with building down, debris flying outward, smoke and soot, tsunami waves begins.
Map Three - tsunami crushing and flooding other city across harbor.

Hopefelly can figure it out and make it look ominous and interesting.Halifax_Explosion_Aftermath_LOC_2_-_restored.jpg1280px-Halifax_Explosion_-_harbour_view_-_restored.jpgImo_1.jpg