After watching these challenges play out for the better part of a year now I figured its about time to dip my toe in, so here goes.

The map i'm going to do is of a small town on the West Coast of NZ called Charleston. It was once one of the biggest settlements in the country due to a gold rush there in the late 1800's, but now you can drive through it in about 30 seconds. Its does however have the only sheltered harbor for about 30k's up or down the coast and as far as i can tell, was quite popular in the early days (seems crazy for how small it is). With this in mind I started with the intention of producing a nautical oriented map, although at roughly one hour in (pic below) I've included a lot of the inland details too.... I guess I'll just see where it goes.

p.s the map is probably around 3km from side to side to give a sense of scale.

### Latest WIP ###

Charleston Map start.jpg