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Thread: August Entry: Multiple textured paths

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    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Post August Entry: Multiple textured paths

    I thought that I would throw my hat into the ring again but I thought that I would veer slightly off track from the purist best tile approach and go with something that would be the most useful to the most people - since that is what the idea of 'geomorphic' tiles are all about. Incidentally, where does that word come from w.r.t tiles for RPG ? Shouldn't it be isomorphic or something like that instead ???

    I thought about it and I will produce 8 x 7"x7" tiles so that there is a square in the middle of each edge and then you can rotate the tiles for more options. I thought that it would be better to have 9 tiles in a 3x3 grid but then I forgot that you can print these out multiple times and have as many of them as you want to print. I will do a 9th tile but it will be the 'blank' tile with no path on it all all so thats kinda outside of the rules - i.e. its a bonus tile...

    I reckon that you could tackle this challenge in many ways of which the hardcore way is to meticulously draw each one but I thought I would present a way to semi-automate the process. This will be useful to me as I could apply it to paths not strictly in a 7x7 grid and therefore push my CWBP stuff along further more easily. Well, we will see if that pops out of this process.

    For now - I have just got a bit of normal 5mm gridded paper out and sketched my tiles. I have tried get get one of each type in there. Actually as Gamerprinter has already noted 8 is not very many is it !

    So here are some straights, T's, crossroads, clearings, bends to left and then right, an 'S' shape etc and then the last bonus one is blank.

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