Okay, I feel like I haven't uploaded much in a little bit, because I've been busy with work things but I have been doodling away still.

Anyway, here is a new map I've been working on. I guess it's a commission of sorts, as it is for a friend who wants a map of her fantasy world and has told me the details, though I'm not charging her anything for it. The world currently doesn't have a name nor do some of the towns/places despite the fact that the world is mostly planned out.

Unnamed World Map.jpg

This is the north half of the continent map and I've been working on the southern half alongside it. I'm pretty pleased with progress so far and depending on how well photoshop and I get along, I may try to give it a digital border of some sort. Obviously I'm still to add place markers and names, along with the title. I may also add some more shading to the forests and more details to the swampier area.

As per usual, it was hand-drawn in pencil and then the details were inked in. Done on A3.

Comments (and rep ) are most welcome!