Hello everyone!
Since my last visit in spring 2015 I've come up with another project: city maps.
As my fantasy-world-project develops well in many different kinds of areas and topics, I only find little time for mapping every few weeks. So it took a while to show something.

Today I want to show you the map of the city of Serain. It's a test project to get used to my newly developed style and technique.
Serain is the capital city of the Kingdom of Vabur which lies climatically at the height of southern France or Northern Italy. In the city live about 108,000 people and the walled area is roughly 3.5km˛ large. On the northern bank of the river Boldogop lies the king's castle. The map is fully made with Gimp.

Serain 3167 WIP5.jpg

As the style is not fully developed yet, I appreciate comments, suggestions, observations and criticism on this topic very much!
At the moment my biggest problem is that I want to color some areas in a different color to show vacant places such as gardens, parks etc. However, if I select such an area and refill it with the new color, the formerly slightly blurred borders of the area get sharply outlined. That leads to a very pixelated impression I couldn't get rid of yet. If anyone knows an easy way to avoid this, I'd be glad to hear about it.