So I've always played around with making my own world and have revisited the idea off and on for the past several years, and then I found the cartographer's guild and have been reading through a lot of the tutorials and works in progress so I figured might as well give it a go, since it seems that there is quite an awesome and supportive community here. So I decided to start all the way at the beginning with plate tectonics. This is just a rough sketch for me to get started on the specific land forms next.

Overall I just want to know if it makes sense (more or less) with the plate movement and whatnot since that will define a lot of the elevation and mountains of the world.

The only continent idea that I have starting off is for plate B3, I want it to be far enough away that it could be missed by early explorers, and I want two 'parallel' mountain ranges. The northern one being higher and rockier (hence the collision with the northern plate and the southern range being older and not as high and leading to a flatter area (desert) as it runs to the sea. The rest I jsut sorta started drawing.
C1 I think should be mountainous on the south and west
C3 should be mountainous on the northern edge
B5 pretty much jsut mountainous and hilly all over but calming down to the east
D1 mountains on the boundaries with D2 and C1
D2 mountainous on the boundary with D2
D3 mountainous to the southeast, with oceans forming between it and D2 and C3
E1 will be a smaller land mass with ocean having formed between it and the rest (I like the idea of an icecap that freezes far enough out to touch the southern most continents during the winter and then recedes in the summer to form passable ocean lanes.)

I am really not sure where island chains should go. I think they would be on edges that are colliding in the ocean plates. Right?
