Hi all!

I know that you probably weren't expecting me to keep producing content after I became Guildmaster, but I take my position as your fearless and handsome leader very seriously. I know the title underneath my avatar might say some garbage like "guild novice", but that's a programming glitch that my underlings will soon correct.

Anyway, this map is of the area surrounding Demeria, the city map I posted not long ago - the one that SOME people say was responsible for my promotion to Guild Emperor For Life. In D&D5e parlance, this is the kingdom-scale map, so one hex is equal to 6 miles. Although not as impressive as the Demeria City map, these are FAST to make. Whereas this might take me a few hours over a couple of days now, this sort of thing used to take me over a month of messing around every afternoon.

As usual, I'm happy to answer any questions if you have them.

-Fuhrer Lord Handsome Unlimited

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