I am working on an ambitious epic fantasy series. The first book is nearly ready for final professional editing, but many of my readers tell me that what I really need are maps to help solidify the world in their minds. So, I am looking for someone who is interested in collaborating on this. Here's the pitch for the book:

Two thousand years ago magic shattered the world.

Preserver historians would later call it the Sundering War, a terrible conflict of unrestrained magic that literally tore the world apart. Now, the world’s continents float amidst vast stretches of open sky, orbiting around a central core--the world's spine. And magic--along with any who can wield it--are seen as the darkest and most vile abominations in all the shattered world.

Raised in an abbey on the sunless cliffs of the spine, Rhea has been taught her whole life to hate and fear the dark power that destroyed the world so long ago. But on her sixteenth nameday, Rhea discovers that she herself can channel this cursed power. And after awakening an ancient magical shard, Rhea must flee the abbey to escape the dark forces who will stop at nothing to find it. Now Rhea’s only hope may lie in herself--in the cursed power she can wield, and the fleeting hope that she can learn to use it. For the Shadow gathers in the world, and the fate of all life and light may rest in her hands.

That's it. If your interested enough to learn more, or have any further questions, please let me know in this forum or by contacting me. Thanks so much!
