Hello! I'm pretty new to this place, so my first posts might be wonky. The current project I'm working on is the Land of Aia, a whimsical place where the laws of reality are thrown out the window. Notable places include: Mount Oroboro, Lake Invertedness, where the waterfall ascends upward, and the Great River which flows right up into the sky. There's Cascadia, the Saus Desert, Mount Doodleboozer, and the Whirlpool. Plenty of secret Easter eggs abound.


The spirals originate from the earth dragon Ga'ru and his abandonment of the sky to be with Iie, the water spirit. His firebreathing mouth forms the volcano Oroboro and his tail is the swirling Whirlpool.iie_and_garu_by_angiemyst-da60kl1.png