Cen Heddan is a small city in my homebrew campaign setting for a D&D game I'm running. It sits on top of a volcanic plug that dominates the surrounding lands. The easily defendable position makes it a town of great strategic importance, in spite of its small size.
I got the inspiration for it from several ruins I saw in Southern Germany, such as Burg Hohenkrähen, near the Bodensee.

This is a retry of an old map I made in 2010. I'd pretty much finished the lineart, but I never quite knew how to go on from there.
With the help of some good tutorials I found on this site (Torstan's in particular), I finally found a way to colour it in a way that I like and added the labels.

-lineart with micron on A3 drawing paper,
-colouring and text in Photoshop

WIP thread here.
