This is my second "finished" map, It's my entry for October's Vampire challenge. I struggled allot with the style on this map, and I'll admit it was more like work then I'd have liked it to be, so I won't be trying this style again for some time. And although I really didn't like making it, I did learn allot in the end so I'm glad I pushed through with it.

The border was relatively smooth sailing as I did something similar on my unfinished Ehren map which I’ve also grown spiteful of working on, but these mountains took me upwards of 15 hours to complete after re doing them three miserable times.

I’m not entirely happy with the end result, there are several things I would have liked to do better if I had more time. The rivers, and the city icons were rushed so I think I could have done them better. But after all the time I put in, and thinking it wasn’t very good I did manage to come in second place to mat_r’s Vampire mansion which was a big honour to me, I was really surprised that people actually voted for it, so thanks to anyone who did.

October Challenge, final.jpg

You can find the WIP thread here