Hello all!
I'm Jacob, and I'm new to the site, I've been reading for a while and have decided to finally make a post! (woo)

I'm open to any criticism or pointers you may have, so please, let me know what you think!
So this was my first major attempt at worldmapping worth posting about. The continent I called Brajia, and my focus is currently on the western regions, because I do plan on using this in some sort of campaign, and I wanted to keep it small. I'll post an overall continent map later, but I'll begin with my focus. This map has come a long way from when I began it (18 months ago!) But I haven't had much time to work on it, so I thought I'd leave it here, and maybe I'll be inspired to continue it...

Note: The colors on the landscape are more for aesthetic than they are actually symbolic of the climate/terrain. I did this to save time, and because I still haven't learned an efficient way to make the terrain work like I want it. I'll figure something out . . .

Brajia 19.jpg