I feel like I haven't posted a new map in a while on here. Anyway, I finished these a couple of weeks ago and now the adventure module is out for sale, I thought I'd share them.

These were the reason I never got around to finishing my November challenge entry, but I'm pretty pleased with how they went. They are my first proper set of battlemaps (or that style) and my first attempt at anything remotely sci-fi, so feedback is always good.

I think I got better as I went along, so here they are in the order I made them in
Bulldogs! Warehouse.jpg Bulldogs! Research Station.jpg Bulldogs! Asteroid.jpg
Bulldogs! Space Hangar.jpg Bulldogs! Tomb Ship.jpg Bulldogs! Temple.jpg

Anyway, if you're interested in the module, Bulldogs! Heart of the Fury, and seeing the full-res maps, they are for sale over at DriveThru: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/...rt-of-the-Fury.